The internet is a significant part of almost everyone’s life, but how much do we really know about our connection? You may be unfamiliar with this fact, but you can actually get four different types of internet connections in your home. The main aim, in the end, is to have a connection that is reliable, fast and as cheap as it can be.
However, what each type of connection provides isn’t exactly common knowledge. You must do your research to know exactly what you’ll be offered in each package, just as you’d do with the WOW TV guide for your cable TV connection.
The type of internet connection you need may depend on various factors, including your location, the number of devices you will be using the internet on and what exactly you plan on doing with that connection, for example, either streaming, gaming or simply browsing.
The type of connection you need depends on your online activities, as well as your location and type of connection that can be provided to you. That said, here is some information on the four main types of broadband connections that you can choose from, so that you can more easily select the one that best fits your needs.
If internet speed matters to you, this might be your best option. Known to transmit signals at the speed of light, the fiber-optic cables in this type of connection provide users with fast and reliable internet, using light pulses to transmit data, unlike any other type.
This connection comes with a number of perks, including the same upload and download speeds no matter what, so you can rest assured that you will almost always get exactly what you’ve paid for. However, it is important to note that with all of its perks, Fiber internet comes with a price that not everyone will be willing to pay; it’s not as widely available as the other options. This may be its only downside.
Using the same type of connection as cable TV, this type of internet comes with a lot of perks. You need to have a cable TV connection laid out for this, and since the infrastructure is already there, it becomes comparatively cheaper for those who already have cable TV.
You can get a few different types of connections with a somewhat wide range of budgets, so you can pick whichever one you can most easily afford. However, since the bandwidth for this kind of connection is area-based, it will be shared with other networks around you. This could sometimes cause you to have a slower internet connection.
DSL stands for “Digital Subscriber Line”. This type of connection is similar to cable, and it operates by passing electricity through copper wires. However, the connection for this comes from your landline connection rather than cable TV.
This type of connection has been around for the longest time and is also the most reliable one of all. It offers good internet speed for basic use and limited devices, but if you live in a home with a lot of people and use an ample amount of data for heavy downloads and such, this internet might not be enough for your needs.
This last kind isn’t the most popular, since it receives signals through a dish installed in your home. These components ping satellites orbiting with the rotation of the Earth, which means that this kind of internet can be accessed pretty much anywhere in the world, unlike the other types.
It is a really good option for rural areas. However, the speed it offers is very slow compared to the other types of connections. There can be a great delay in the transmission of signals due to the distance, so if you absolutely require fast internet, a satellite connection is not for you.
Choosing the right type of internet connection might feel a bit overwhelming, but you can easily make the right decision by comparing all the relevant factors. After you’ve made the initial decision correctly, you will have the perfect internet connection that will allow you to have a seamless online experience, and you can easily do so by learning more about the different types of connections you have available. For more help, you can always ask your ISP or someone with more experience what you should opt for according to your specifications.